Thursday, June 19, 2008


As you can see, Adisyn decided to make some mud pies or maybe a better statement is Adisyn became a mudpie!! She was having a grand time as you can see. She even took her crock off(notice the one bare foot) and poured some over her head!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Mr. Big Stuff"

Well, I have nicknames for all my grandbabies.

Karlee is Angel

Austin is Meme's boy

Kiara is my Princess

Adisyn is my Sweetie Petey

Tallen is my little Chunk

I just have to say, he does have eyes like his daddy.

Kiara & Tallen

Just look at this Kiara, can't ya'll tell she is going to be one good big sister. You should have heard her talking to him. It was so sweet.

Ya'll just tell me, does this look like a proud Poppy?

Monday, June 16, 2008

"Tallen Stephen Thomas"

Look at our new "little" grandson. We still haven't gotten to hold him. He is having some problems with his O2 sats. He is having to be on oxygen. We are hoping to get to hold him tomorrow. These pictures were taken before he was even given his first bath. So ya'll tell me who he looks like. Kristen says he looks like Wesley.

Big sister Kiara

Look at my sweet little Princess. Meme & Poppy just had to bring her something special today since she was having a new "little" brother.

Wesley, Crystal & Kiara on baby day

Look at this sweet family going in to bring our precious "little" Tallen into the world.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Look at my little t-ball champion. This ballplayer, played in an elimination tournament, which lasted from 11am until 11:30pm and as you can see her team won!!!!! Of course, as the "meme", I wasn't surprised at all.